The graphic novel diostory series I am working on is called The I.O.M. about a group of military convicts who escape from prison and start a mercenary organization. Each part is underneath the below collapse panels to make for easier loading.

Part 1: Mexico Issues #1 - 4
Issue #1
Najeed Singh, a boring accountant is implicated in an airport bombing and is incarcerated illegally in a Military Prison holding some of the worst criminals in the US military.
Issue #2
 The prisoners of the Military Prison get some outside help as they try to escape but the guards have called in reinforcements and the prisoners must escape before its too late.
Issue #3
Najeed and the other prisoners escape over the border into Mexico. The CIA agent responsible for the prison starts to clean up the mess left behind.

Issue #4
A Mexican special Intelligence agent, Sylvia, recruits the prisoners to help them in their war on drugs. The prisoners begin a training regime to get themselves ready to fight.
Part 1: Mexico Issues #5 - 8
Issue #5
Fang and the Mexican Intelligence team learn of a target of opportunity and meet a contact who gives them the information they need to raid it.
Issue #6
 The I.O.M. team's baptism of fire. They launch their first attack on Muerte Azul drug redistribution facility.

Issue #7
To keep up the momentum, The I.O.M. launch three lightning attacks on Muerte Azul operations, but their actions do not go unnoticed.
Issue #8
American civilians are being targeted in Mexico by Muerte Azul so the CIA decides to eliminate The I.O.M. who are working for the Mexican Goverment
Part 1: Mexico Issues #9 - 12
Issue #9
The CIA Kill squad Black Seven bring the I.O.M. members to their base and chase down Agent Talon for setting them up.
Issue #10
 The I.O.M. face the first death in their organization and prepare their next attack on Muerte Azul. Sylvia confronts her sister to find out why those in the I.O.M. want Monica's head.
Issue #11
While Miguel and Carlos try to find information about the Wild Ones Cartel, the rest of the I.O.M. crew attack the Countessa in her bunker
Issue #12
Miguel has been captured by the Wild Ones Cartel, but the I.O.M. team learns of the location and launches a drastic rescue attempt.
Part 2: Colombia Issues #13 - 16
Issue #13
The I.O.M. consider Wolf's offer to work in Colombia. We also learn the history of Fang and Wolf's relationship back when they were both in the CIA.
Issuee Ooga Booga
Issue #14
 The new recruits arrive at the I.O.M. base in Mexico and start their training for the upcoming mission to Colombia

Issue #15
The I.O.M. recruits continue their training in preparation for the mission to Colombia. Some are handling the training better than others.
Issue #16
Training for the recruits finishes and they prepare for Colombia. The intelligence team set up a safe house in Bogota while the bulk of the I.O.M. force arrive at an isolated airfield.
Part 2: Colombia Issues #17 - 20
Issue #17
The I.O.M. arrive in Colombia, only the airfield has been mysteriously abandoned. The I.O.M. team search for clues as to what happened.
Issue #18
  The intelligence team look into who is the mysterious masked man in charge of the Muerte Azul. While Bob and his team deploy into the jungle to look for drug production facilities.
Issue #19
 Bob and his Alpha team are deployed on a Long Range Recon Patrol to the Colombian jungle to find where drug laboratories are suspected to reside.
Issue #20
Part 1 of 3. The I.O.M. base at the Colombian Airport comes under attack from a combined P.F.F. and Muerte Azul force. The I.O.M. team rally for the fight of their lives
Part 2: Colombia Issues #21 - 24
Issue #21
Part 2 of 3. The I.O.M. base at the Colombian Airport is under attack from a combined P.F.F. and Muerte Azul force and the IOM team do everything they can to stay alive.
Issue #22
 Part 3 of 3. The I.O.M. base at the Colombian Airport is under attack from a combined P.F.F. and Muerte Azul force. Bob's Alpha team returns back to the area and helps to turn the tide of the battle.
Issue #23
 The I.O.M. clean up the airfield in the aftermath of the attack, while the intelligence team go on their first undercover mission to find out who the leader of Muerte Azul is.
Issue #24
Jeff's Bravo team prepares to go on a Long Range Recon Patrol into enemy territory. While the intelligence team in Bogota continue their surveillance of Juan/Ramon.
Part 2: Colombia Issues #25 - 28
Issue #25
Sipihiwe and Charlie team deploy to a small village on the Rio Guaviare to protect a small town against PFF influence. While in Bogota the intelligence team interrupt a meeting between the Muerte Azul and the PFF.
Issue #26
Jeff and the Charlie team conduct their long range recon patrol to scout out Muerte Azul bases only to discover that the PFF is planning a large operation. The small village on the Rio Guaviare is reinforced in preparation for an attack.
Issue #27
The intelligence continue their surveillance on Juan and catch him meeting with the Morales Cartel, but another in the Morales Cartel reaches out to the I.O.M. to ensure the cartel war happens.
Issue #28
Jeff and his Bravo team continue their LRRP waiting for the oncoming PFF force. While in Bogota, Sylvia launches an attack with the Intel team against the Russian Mafia’s headquarters hoping to provoke a war between the Morales Cartel and Muerte Azul.
Part 2: Colombia Issues #29 - 30
Issue #29
The PFF launch their attack to capture the bridge over the Rio Guaviare. Siphiwe and her team do everything they can do hold their position and to protect the nearby village. The new Countessa of Muerte Azul tries to get over the bridge from the opposite side so she can retake her territory.
Issue #30
Giant Sized Annual Issue. The I.O.M. close in on the last members of the PFF while the Countessa gathers togethers her followers. While at the airport, the I.O.M. team are visited by Flight 714 who has a new job offer for them.
Part 3: Venezuela Issues #31 - 34
Issue #31
We learn the real reason for why Chris and Fang were imprisoned and the of the CIA's relationship with the company funding the Venezuela operation.
Issue #32
The I.O.M. set themselves up in their new base on the Colombian-Venezuelan border. The whole organization is centralized in one place while they prepare for what's next.
Issue #33
The new recruits arrive at the IOM Base on the Colombian-Venezueland border and begin their training.

Issue #34
The I.O.M. Intelligence team make their way to the CIA safehouse in Venezuela only to find a familiar face is their CIA handler. The intelligence team also observe their targets for the upcoming mission.
Part 3: Venezuela Issues #35 - 38
Issue #35
Jeff and his team deploy over the border into Venezuela to start looking for PFF bases only to discover that the PFF are working with the Russian special forces unit called Spetsnaz.
Issue #36
Sabastian puts together his Foxtrot team made up of new recruits. They are immediately sent off on their first mission to take out one of the PFF/Spetsnaz bases. Will their baptism of blood be a success or failure?
Issue #37
Sabastian and his Foxtrot team track down the last of the PFF forces and ambush them. While in Venezuela the Intelligence team observe and collect intel.

Issue #38
Sabastian and his Foxtrot team return from their mission in Venezuela. Sabastian and the other team leaders then meet to discuss the large upcoming mission in Venezeula.

Part 3: Venezuela Issues #39 - 42
Issue #39
The intelligence learn of an opportunity to take out their target. The IOM prepare their assault. The intelligence team prepare by taking out the radar dishes and SAM sites protecting Caracas.
Issue #40
The operation in Venezuela begins. Delta and Foxtrot teams are flown into position parachute onto their drop zones. Sabastian and his Foxtrot team are the first to land on their drop zone.

Issue #41
Raf and Roger are lost and try to find out where they are. Other teams start to move on their targets such as Siphiwe's Charlie team which strikes the Police Station in Macuto.
Issue #42
Teams Delta and Bravo arrive in Venezuela and start to move towards their objective. Carlos watches the mistress to ensure that Chavez keeps his appointment.

Part 3: Venezuela Issues #43 - 46
Issue #43
The attack that The IOM had been planning for weeks comes to fruition. Bob's Alpha team strikes at Chavez's mansion.
Issue #44
 Monica tries to complete what Alpha team started, while Raf and Roger try to find their way to safety.

Fang and the Mexican Intelligence team learn of a target of opportunity and meet a contact who gives them the information they need to raid it.
Issue #45
Bravo team finishes their mission and head back to their pickup point, but getting back to the Sacramento won't be as easy for them as they've planned.
Fang and the Mexican Intelligence team learn of a target of opportunity and meet a contact who gives them the information they need to raid it.
Issue #46
Alpha Team returns to the USS Sacramento but Daemon is in a bad way. Without Cade, Bianca isn't sure she can save him. Chris sends out Bob and Diana to rescue the remnants of Bravo team.
Part 3: Venezuela Issues #47 - 48
Issue #47
Bravo team is rescued by Angie while Diana and Bob lay down cover. Meanwhile the operation in Venezuela has wrapped up and the teams are heading north to Macuto for extraction. The attacks have not gone unnoticed and the Venezuelans have set up several roadblocks to stop them.
Issue Blah
Issue #48
The I.O.M. team continue their withdrawal from Venezuela heading north to Macuto where Siphiwe's team is pinned down by a surprised contingent of Spetsnaz. The team must break through if they want to reach the safety of the USS Sacramento.
Part 4: Chile Issues #49 -
Fang and the Mexican Intelligence team learn of a target of opportunity and meet a contact who gives them the information they need to raid it.
Issue #49
Back in the day, Monica goes on a mission to Argentina that takes places not long after she had betrayed Fang in Issue 31. Her mission invovles investigating the formation of a suspicious militia group in the Argentine mountains.
Issue #50
Monica meets with Fang to tell him about her mission to Chile all those years ago and how it connects to the new job that they now have to help protect Chile against an invasion from Argentina. The I.O.M. prepares for the new job.
Issue #51
The Intelligence team arrive in Santiago, but discover that they are too late to prevent the coup. The situation deteriorates quickly as the team focus on trying to escape the city.